Virat Kohli earns 1.147 billion from 1 post on Instagram, the third highest-earning athlete after Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi."

Virat Kohli earns approximately 1.147 billion INR per post on Instagram, making him the third highest-earning athlete on the platform after Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. He is the only cricketer in the top 20 highest-earning personalities on Instagram.

According to Hopper HQ, a social media marketing solutions platform, Virat Kohli is the third richest athlete on Instagram. In 2023, he earns more than $1,384,000 per post (approximately 1.147 billion INR). He is the only Indian personality in the top 25.

Cristiano Ronaldo is the highest earner on Instagram. Lionel Messi, the Argentine FIFA World Cup winner, comes second. According to Hopper HQ, Cristiano Ronaldo earned $3,234,000 (approximately 2.678 billion INR), while Lionel Messi charges $2,597,000 (approximately 2.15 billion INR) per Instagram post.

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